
Foundation Ministries


At Foundation Church, there are several places in which you can get plugged in. Anywhere from church setup, Tech Team, Nursery, and Small Groups (Leading or Hosting).


We want you to get involved in something because we believe that is where you will begin to grow. However, we want you to feel like you fit as well, so if you start something and are not feeling it, then we would encourage you to try something else until you find your niche.


During nursery, we believe in providing children the Biblical foundation that they will need throughout their entire lives. We use a simple teaching method to teach children birth to Pre-K the foundatoinal truths about God. We hold firm to the hope of  Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

If you are interested in becoming  part of the nursery, we would love to have you! Please fill out the form below to get started!


Small Groups

A Small Group is a small group of friends that

meet for voluntary, intentional, face-to-face gatherings with the shared goals

of developing a love relationship with God and others. Small Groups are a place

to do life together: living, learning, eating, playing, and resting together.

Groups are encouraged to not just be about Bible study but include relational

activities like sharing meals together, serving together, and having fun! At

Foundation Church, we feel that small groups are a vital part of God centered life. We currently have a Monday evening men's  small group that meets from 6-8 PM. We also have a Monday evening women's small group that meets from 6-8 PM.  For more information please fill out the form below. 

Small Groups

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