Welcome To Foundation Church

Reach. Preach. Teach. 

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The Gospel message presented through community service.


Worship service.


Small groups and classes.

What to Expect During Your First Visit

We're glad that you're considering visiting us! As you make your way to the YMCA on Sunday, the first thing you will notice is our signs and flags. Make your way to the parking lot. You will be greeted at the door by our Pastor Alex or by another smiling face! Once you go inside you will see a table right up front with another friendly face behind it, that's Ms. Pam! Pam will give you a visitor card to fill out and a visitor bag filled with goodies. She will show you where to go next.

After visiting the guest table, you will make your way to the Sanctuary. At the back of the Sanctuary, we have a table where you can find a bulletin to take notes during the sermon. Next, find a seat and make yourself at Home, because you are HOME. Foundation Church is a place where you are wanted and loved and part of the family. We're so glad you are here with us!

Got kids?

At Foundation Church we welcome all children, from Kindergarten and up, into the Service with their families. We have a Children's Table right outside of the Sanctuary where your child/ren will grab their bag and bulletin. Children are encouraged to participate and learn. They are the Church! After Service, children should bring their bags back to the Children's Table so we can use them again next time. If your child can remember one thing that they learned during Service, they get a prize from our Prize Basket!

For children Pre-K and under, we have Nursery!

Your Nursery child/ren will get a check-in sticker at the Children's Table with a corresponding parent sticker. After worship songs, Nursery children will be dismissed to their Nursery class. Here they will pray, learn a foundational truth about God, eat snack, sing and play! You will pick your Nursery child up at the Nursery door after service. Don't forget to bring your parent sticker so that we can ensure the safety of all our children.

That's it!

If you have any questions please reach out to us here.

We can't wait to see your and your family!

 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20



Sunday, 10:30 AM


1801 Richmond Ave.

Port Royal, SC 29935

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